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Printable Résumé

Résumé for Sera Shogren Arcaro


The Ohio State University, Columbus OH (September 1998-June 2002)  
        Master of Education; English.  Graduated June 2002 with a
cumulative GPA of 3.98
     Bachelor of the Arts; English. Graduated June 2001 with a cumulative GPA of 3.87; summa cum laude and with honors in the liberal arts.        

Bath Spa University College, Bath, England (July 2000-August 2000)
     Study Abroad at the Bath Summer Program in British and Irish Literature

Madison Comprehensive High School, Mansfield OH
     Graduated with honors in June 1998 with a cumulative GPA of 3.96 (4.0 scale)

Student Teacher (October 2001-June 2002)
Whetstone High School, Columbus Public Schools
·        Taught 10th grade world literature
     ·         Assisted teachers with extra-curricular duties
     ·         Tutored students one-on-one
     ·         Conducted classroom research

Student Circulation Assistant (September 2000-June 2001)
     OSU Libraries: Education Library, Circulation and Tech Services Depts.
     ·         Answered directional and informational questions
     ·         Taught patrons to use online index databases
     ·         Checked out/in and processed requests for library and reserve materials
     ·         Instructed users in operation of computers, copiers, microform equipment

Office Assistant (September 1999-June 2000)
     OSU Residence Life: Barrett Dorm Office
     ·         Assisted students with campus resources
     ·         Directed and transferred calls
     ·         Scheduled appointments
     ·         Filed room condition reports, key records, and housing information

Assistant Manager, Swim Team Coach, Lifeguard (June 1997-September 1999; summers)
     Sun Valley Swim Club: Mansfield, Ohio
     ·         Supervised lifeguards
     ·         Conducted swim practices and meets
     ·         Organized pool activities
     ·         Prevented accidents in and around pool

 Student Reference Assistant (September 1998-June 1999)
     OSU Libraries: Main Library, Reference Dept.
     ·         Answered reference questions
     ·         Helped patrons locate and use library resources
     ·         Instructed patrons on how to use library web page
     ·         Processed incoming reference materials

ESL Tutor,Volunteer Usher at the Wexner Center for the Arts, International Student Conversation Partner, Treasurer of Buckeye Tang Soo Do, Internal Vice President to Taylor Hall Council, Tutor at Indianola Middle School.


updated 10/17/2002

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