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Barefeet or Smiles?

 Saturday 30 August 2003 Smiles and Bare feet: The contemplations of Sera on the road to Swakopmund  If I just look out the window, I see the yellow grasses, stubby dust-green bushes dotting the plain, brown-gray mountains in the distance, and a hazy horizon making the whole scene bleak and inhospitable. But if I look …

23 July 2004

         23 July 2004  The True Parable of the Cat  We had a black cat for a while.  It hung around the school and we fed it our chicken bones.  It attached itself to us, laying in the sun on our kitchen floor and acting like it belonged there.  Sometimes we liked it, in …

FAQs Peace Corps

FAQs about going to Namibia as a Peace Corps Volunteer clothes to pack | stuff to bring | housing | electricity | transport food | shopping | books | safety | bikes | teaching |  advice  WHAT CLOTHES SHOULD I PACK? My best advice to you is to bring comfortable shoes and clothes.  You will …

Ekulo S

Ekulo Senior Secondary School This is the school where we taught for two years.  It opened in 1997 and has around 450 learners from grades 8-12, most of whom stay in the hostel.   


CHINA INTERNATIONAL BEER FESTIVAL 2005 JULY 28 – AUGUST 8   click here to read the e-mail about the beer festival  


CHINA INTERNATIONAL BEER FESTIVAL July 2005 Thursday, July 28 was the grand opening of the China International Beer Festival 2005.   The festival is held annually for a week and a half at Xinghai Square, a mere ten minute walk from our apartment.  However, the word “international” is dubious.  The adjective could be interpreted to mean …


 CHRISTMAS IN CHINA (2) December 2005 Before I get on to important matters such as our Chinese Christmas, I want to tell you about my Outer Space Cup.  As you know, here in China we cannot drink the tap water.  So everywhere I go, I take a plastic bottle, which I can often fill up …

6 months down..7 to go

6 months down…7 to go August 2005  We’ve been living our life of chalk and chopsticks for six months now.  Our first semester at school is complete, and this week we finished up the exams, passed back their reports, played some games and said farewell to the kids we spent 2 hours with every week …

meet dalian

“Mom and Dad, meet Dalian.” September 2005 For the past week, my parents have been staying with us here in Dalian.  They arrived at the Dalian airport on Sunday evening.  I had invited one of my adult Chinese students, Charlie, to accompany me to the airport since Zac had to work.  Charlie was thrilled, and …


A ROOM WITH A KITCHEN (AND A BATHROOM!) September 2005 On Wednesday we moved out of our little apartment with a view to our grand new apartment.  One of my adult students, Charlie, had been determined to help us ever since he heard we were going to move.  We quite gladly accepted his offer which …

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