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Constrasting beautiful, Namibia

Contrasting beautiful, Namibia 4 April 2003 Namibian National Anthem Namibia, land of the brave Freedom fight, we have won Glory to their bravery Whose blood waters our freedom We give our love and loyalty Together in unity Contrasting beautiful, Namibia Namibia, our country Beloved the land of savannahs Hold high the banner of liberty Namibia, …

the whiteness of it all

Reflections on The Whiteness Of It All 3 March 2003 ” But why strange?  Because the one is white and the other black?” —Master Harold and the Boys by Athol Fugard Sometimes I forget I’m white. It just doesn’t occur to me.   But then there are the little reminders. We had to walk the five …

Running Barefoot

Running Barefoot 31 January 2003 “And now the rains had really come, so heavy and persistent…  Sometimes it poured down in such thick sheets of water that earth and sky seemed merged in one gray wetness.”         —Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe from Sera: I sit here writing to you as a heavy rain …


Where the Wild Things Are 28 March 2003  So here we are, sitting in Africa on another Friday afternoon. We’ve had no running water since 3pm yesterday. I’m told it’s not going to rain again until October. Hmmm. Actually, it is not uncommon for the water to go out here, and the couple before us …

Plagiarism Episode

The Plagiarism Episode 28 February 2003 “Okonkwo ruled his household with a heavy hand.”  —Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe From Sera: I spent the week battling plagiarism. My new project, in addition to promoting desserts in Namibia, is to try and teach these kids the perils of plagiarism.  ****  Sunday. When marking biographical essays, …

Brandberg Mountain

Fire Mountain: To Brandberg and Back; Big Jack 26 May 2003  To make a long story short: We survived our vacation. To make a long story long:  Day –18: Wondering where to go on our holiday, I flip through a travel magazine and happen upon a stunning photo from the top of Brandberg Mountain. We …

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life 25 April 2003 From Sera Still marking exams. It’s crunch time now though since I only have until Wednesday to finish. I’ve only got about 85 grade 11 exams left to mark. It’s slow going though, I mark at a rate of about 7 per hour.  For the Easter weekend, we …

Sacrificed Ice-Cream

Sacrificed Ice-Cream 22 January 2003  From Sera: It has been 3 months since we left our homes in America. We are now settled into our new home at Ekulo Senior Secondary School, and we are finally teaching. In our cultural training, we were warned that the concept of time is different here, and that things …

Random Glimpses

Random Glimpses of my Life Here in Namibia 21 February 2003 by Sera  ****  Walking to school one morning after a heavy rainfall the previous night, I stop to look at a large frog swimming in the puddle outside the door to my classroom. One of my female learners spies me watching it, and offers, …

Reflections on Failure

Elusive English 1 May 2003 Hally: I don’t know.  I don’t know anything anymore. Sam:  You sure of that, Hally?  Because it would be pretty hopeless if that was true.  It would mean nothing has been learnt in here this afternoon, and there was a hell of a lot of teaching going on…one way or …

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