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Peace Corps–Namibia

Peace Corps Update
(as of 04/5/2003 )

Peace Corps
“the toughest job you’ll ever love”

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bullet click here for advice for new Peace Corps volunteers going to Namibia

My husband Zac and I have joined the Peace Corps.  We are in Namibia, with a departure date of October 23, 2002.  Zac is teaching high school math and I am teaching high school English. 

*I will update this page as we learn more information.

         Departure Information
We left from Columbus on October 23rd.   We then had a two day orientation in Washington DC.  On October 25 we left from DC and fly to Amsterdam.  From there, we went to Johannesburg then to Windhoek Namibia, arriving on October 27, 2002.

Mailing Address

Zac and Sera Arcaro
Ekulo S.S.S.
Private Bag 77003

This is our long term address, and will be here for the duration of our stay.  Write often!

Map of Africa
Namibia is in Southern Africa

Click the link below for an interactive map of Namibia.

 Websites about Namibia

Namibia Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Lonely Planet Guide to Namibia

CIA World Factbook: Namibia

Country Watch: Namibia

Namibia Page

Weather in Windhoek (capital of Namibia)

Peace Corps Information


Peace Corps: Namibia

Our Peace Corps Assignments in Namibia

Zac’s Assignment

Sera’s Assignment

updated 03/15/2003

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