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Biography of Sera Shogren Arcaro

Sera (June 2001)


Born: 1980 in Mansfield, Ohio.


High School:   Madison Comprehensive High School in Mansfield, OH. Graduated June 1998, with honors. I also participated in the Academy program and went to OSU-Mansfield my senior year.


College: The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Majored in English. Graduated June 2001, summa cum laude and with honors in the liberal arts.


Graduate School: The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio; College of Education.  M.Ed. in secondary English education.   Graduated June 2002.


Married Zac Arcaro in June 2002  Photos


Currently: I am in the Peace Corps, teaching in Namibia.


Peace Corps Update (10/17/2002)
Where: Namibia (in Southern Africa)
What: I will be teaching high school English (Zac will be teaching high school math)
When: October 23, 2002-December 2004


Career Plans: After the Peace Corps, I plan to teach high school English.

Reading, Writing, Conversing


Book:  The God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy

Philosopher: Friedrich W. Nietzsche

Weather Condition: Thunderstorms

Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven

Radio Station: NPR / WCBE 90.5

Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip

Musical: Jesus Christ Superstar

Geological feature: Mountains

American Poet: Walt Whitman

Shakespearean Play: Hamlet

Highway in Columbus: 315

Hindu Icon: Shiva Nataraja

Unknown Poet: Sarah Piatt

Website: SatireWire.com

Tree: Weeping Willow

Exercise: Swimming

Food: Indian Food

Titan: Prometheus

Activity: Hiking

Pacifist: Gandhi

Music: Celtic

Season: Fall

Color: Blue

*updated 10/17/2002*

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