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DARK SIDE OF THE MOON CAKES from Mon Sep 19, 2:49 PM ET BEIJING (Reuters) — The people of Beijing munched through 15,000 tonnes of mooncakes — more than 1 kg (2.2 lb) per person — and bought one tenth of all the round cakes sold nationwide for Sunday’s Mid-Autumn Festival, Xinhua news agency …
CHINA: BEIJING October 1st -7th 2005, “Golden Week” WELCOME TO BEIJING, Population 15 millionWe arrived in Beijing at daybreak on National Day. We would be staying in Beijing for six nights and planned to see all the attractions that self respecting tourists should see. Beijing Tiananmen Square Forbidden City Summer Palace Lama Temple Temple of …
FINAL EXAM March 2006 Well, Zac and I head out into the great unknown tomorrow. We’ve had lots of farewell dinners, and it’s really quite sad to say goodbye to all of our good friends here. Marin said Zac should go traveling by himself and I should move in with her. Emma said she would …
Chinese Name
WHAT’S IN A NAME? October 2005 “I would like to suppose a coast,” Charlie says, holding his beer glass up. “Propose a toast,” Zac corrects, with only the hint of a wry smile. Charlie scrunches his eyes and shakes his head, trying to get the right consonants to rattle into place. “Propose a toast, yes, …
CHINESE SLIPPERS March 2005 My favorite class by far is my A7 adult class that I teach for two hours every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Because the students are at a pretty high level, the focus of the class is on conversation, with a few grammar tips or vocabulary words thrown in for good measure. …
Chinese New Year
ENTER THE DOG January 2006 Firecrackers are for sale on the sidewalks. Lights are strung over the streets and in the trees. The supermarkets are insanely crowded and have a special emphasis on red underwear and giant stuffed dogs. People are eating dumplings and seem to be in good spirits. Windows are decorated with red …
Hong Kong
HONG KONG January 27 to February 2, 2006 Zac and I spent the week of the Lunar New Year in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, better known simply as Hong Kong. It is separated from mainland China by the Sham Chun River, and consists of the New Territories, …
Lantern Festival
LET THERE BE LIGHT… February 2006 In China, the dark days of winter are brightened by the decorative lights from the numerous festivals occurring during this bleak season. The lights first emerge in the beginning of December, with Christmas tree lights. The illumination grows in January with the lights for the Spring Festival, decorating streets …
THANKSGIVING November 2005
THANKSGIVING November 2005 CONVERSING WITH THE BANANA MAN On our walks home from school in the evenings, we often pass an elderly fruit seller whom we call “The Banana Man.” He is friendly and cheerful, despite spending all of his afternoons and nights bundled up on the sidewalk peddling oranges, apples, and bananas. He always …
“I AM THE POLICE” July 2005 We had just returned from running, and were covered in sticky sweat, when our doorbell rang. It was a policeman. He emphasized this fact by pointing to the emblem on his sleeve and saying, “I am the Police.” We had been warned that some day a policeman might show …