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Thailand Travels

Thailand May 5-10 & 18-19, 2006 Bangkok Chiang Mai Ko Tao Island

Singapore Travels

Singapore June 6 – 8, 2006 After a much better journey than our previous train ride, we arrived in Singapore around 1 pm (although our projected arrival time had been 10am). We’d heard such good things about how organized and convenient Singapore was that we were surprised to find ourselves virtually stranded at the train …

Malaysia Travels

Malaysia (and Singapore) May 20 – June 12,  2006 Penang: Georgetown Cameron Highlands Pangkor Island Kuala Lumpur Cherating Beach Jungle Train From HELL Taman Negara Rain Forest Singapore Melaka

Cambodia Travels

Cambodia April 30 – May 5, 2006 Phnom Penh Angkor The Road to Thailand Cambodia was so hot and humid that I could barely drink enough water to keep up with my sweat. It’s like it was raining, but the rain was coming from inside of me instead of the outside.  The humidity of an …

Chinese Bathhouse

BIRTHDAY SUIT January 2006 My favorite line in E.M. Forster’s novel, A Room With a View, is when Freddy greets his new neighbor, Emerson, by saying, “How d’ye do? Come and have a bathe.”  Another character present chuckles over the absurdity of such a greeting, but nevertheless, they all go traipsing off to a nearby …

Panama Travels

Panama July 2007 Panama City   Boquete   Bocas Del Torro  

Central American Travel Photos

Central American Travels July 2007 Panama Costa Rica Zac and I have had more than our fair share of travels in foreign countries, but this trip seemed different.  It was the first time that it really felt like a vacation in the traditional sense—an escape from the humdrum routine of life as working adults (if …

Costa Rica Travels

Costa Rica July 2007 San Jose Monte Verde La Fortuna (Arenal) Playa Hermosa Alajuela (epilogue)


XINGHAI SQUARE AND BEACH Xinghai Square is the “largest square in Asia” Beer Festival Click here for photos from the beer festival held in Xinghai Square    

Vang Vieng

Laos: Vang Vieng May 13-15, 2006 We arrived at Vang Vieng in the afternoon, and as we were eating lunch, we noticed some rockets and explosions in the distance. After eating, we headed upstream to see what was going on.  What we found was a local festival.  There were all these villagers, with canisters of …

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