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Gyeongju, South Korea May 2005   Mt. Namsan      click here to read the e-mail about this trip  


Dandong, China May 2005      Views of North Korea These photos were taken from Dandong, China across the Yalu River (May 2005)   click here to read the e-mail about this trip  


KINDERGARTEN KARAOKE April 2005  Every Wednesday begins with a trip out to Bai He Kindergarten where I attempt (and fail) to teach English to three classes of squirmy little kids who don’t understand anything I say.  The kindergarten teachers teach the kids everything before I come, so I am just supposed to work on pronunciation …


CHINA RISING January 2006 In China, the economy is rising, skyscrapers are rising, and the population is rising (albeit slower than before).  The country is optimistic. Much of the rhetoric recently is about how rapidly the country’s economy is growing, pushing China with its newly moneyed 1.3 billion people to the forefront of world politics. …

FROM A TO B April 2005

FROM A TO B April 2005 There are four ways we get around Dalian: trolley, bus, taxi, and on foot.  From our apartment to our school, we take the trolley.  From our apartment to downtown, we take a bus.  If we buy something very large at the store or come home too late, we take …


EASTER SEA SHELLS March 2005 Ahh, Easter Sunday in China.  We worked eight-to-five then ate conches for supper.  In Zac’s adult class, there is a married couple that is only a few years older than us.  The husband, Sunny, used to work in the army but now has a job working for the government as …


SPRING IN DALIAN May 2005 Spring has finally arrived in Dalian. Most of the trees have bright green foliage, red and yellow flowers have been planted in the parks, and the days are in the mid 60s to 70s. With the warmer weather, we try to take more walks and explore different parts of the …

Haircut February 2005

Haircut  February 2005 It’s after Namibia and before China.  Zac and I are visiting our university area, and I go to get a haircut at one of those cheap $12 a cut places.  It is a Thursday morning, and there is only one young woman running the shop.  She clicks some keys on the computer …

Chalk and Chopsticks

Chalk and Chopsticks Our experiences living and teaching in Dalian China for 13 months Dalian City   Letters from China March 2005 Ice Cubes A Room with a View Future English School Chinese Slippers Easter Sea Shells April 2005 Deaf, Dumb & Illiterate From A to B Crimes Kindergarten Karaoke May 2005 Dandong & Korea …


Introduction On October 27, 2002, we arrived in Namibia as Peace Corps volunteers.  All we really knew was that Zac was going to teach math and I was going to teach English for the next two years.  Zac and I had both graduated from OSU in June 2002; I had my master’s in English secondary …

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