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DEAF, DUMB, AND ILLITERATE IN DALIAN April 2005 We’ve been in Dalian for just over a month, and we still cannot read, write, understand or speak Chinese.  Before coming here, I was most curious to learn what it would be like to arrive in a country not knowing the language at all, as so many …


DALIAN CITY Liaoning Province    


KOREA May 2005 BEYOND DALIAN  We were a bit nervous about our first holiday.  Although we had been in China for two months, due to our work schedule we hadn’t yet ventured outside of Dalian and our Chinese was still limited to “I’d like rice.”  Our ultimate holiday destination was South Korea, but we were …


DOSES OF ENGLISH May 2005  I think that Sera has been doing a wonderful job documenting our life and experiences here in Dalian.  However, it seems that it would be appropriate for me to give my perspective from time to time as well.  The first thing that comes to mind to talk about is the …


WINTER SNOW December 2005       click here for the e-mail about this snow      


FUTURE ENGLISH SCHOOL adult classes The kindergarten I taught at for a few months    

Chinese Food


Namibia Photos

  Namibia Photos Etosha National Park Sossusvlei & Namib Desert Windhoek (the capital) Swakopmund Fish River Canyon Kolmanskop & Klein Aus Mtns Luderitz & Diaz Point Brandberg Mountain Kavango & Zambezi Rivers Ruacana Falls Owamboland Scenery Oshakati & Ondangwa People of Namibia Buildings Homesteads Arcaro Rest Camp (Our House) Ekulo Senior Secondary School Ekulo Learners …

Obsession with Fences

An Obsession with Fences 26 December 2002  We thought of some little things you might be curious about, and we figured we should write them soon because already all these things are beginning to seem normal to us. For example, I don’t even blink an eye when a woman walks to the Cuca shop carrying …

Omege, our village

Omege, Our Village 3 November 2002 “Since I survived that year,” he always said, “I shall survive anything.”  He put it down to his inflexible will.      —Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Omege I don’t even know where to begin. When I wrote last, it was from the Rural Development Center in Ongwediva. Everything …

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