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Peace Corps Volunteers

Volunteers We were part of the 20th group of Peace Corps Volunteers in Namibia.  There were 40 in our group to begin with, and about 30 completed the full two-year contract.  Our fellow volunteers ranged in age from 22-65, although most were just out of college.  group 20 peace corps volunteers after swearing-in ceremony Omege …

23 Dec 04

The Last Days 23 December 2004 Hello Everyone, Zac and I have arrived back in the U.S.A.  It’s cold here!  But since you already know all about that, let me instead give you an account of our last couple of weeks in Africa. On December 1st, there was a goodbye party for us and the …

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls (Zambia) May 2004 “Victoria Falls is one of Africa’s great contributions to world tourism.  It lies at a crossroads, of sorts: The convergence of four countries–Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia–and the confluence of two of the continent’s greatest river systems, the Zambezi and the Kwando-Mashi-Linyanti-Chobe.  The waterfall itself can only be described as …


Farewell, electrical hair! 19 September 2004 Farewell After class, Eino and Onesmus loiter around to talk to me. “Miss, don’t you have any big bowls, like for salads?” “Um, not really. Maybe one. Why?” “I want to make salads.” “Why?” “To eat.” Eino can be a bit shady, and so the conversation goes on like …


Trees & Bushes of Namibia            Quiver Tree Forest “Kokerbooms (Aloe dichotoma), or quiver trees, are widespread throughout southern Namibian.  They belong to the aloe family and can grow to heights of 8m. The name is derived from their lightweight branches, which were formerly used as quivers by the San hunters; they would …

18 Nov 04

Lucky 18 November 2004 Yesterday evening, I had a phone interview with Michael in New Jersey about the teaching job in China. “So, how do you like Nambia? Has everything been OK?” he asked, friendly, but perhaps fishing for hints of unease, resentment, cultural conflicts. “Namibia?” I replied, emphasizing the second syllable. “It’s been great-I’ve …

Transportation in Namibia

Transportation Taxis, combis and bakkies are the major form of transport in northern Namibia, although some people still use donkey carts.  We did not have our own vehicle, therefore we relied on taxis and hitchhiking, as do most Namibians.


AIDS Awareness Program 15 September 2004 We’re two weeks into our last trimester at Ekulo, and we’re already hovering on the brink of exams. My grade 12s are writing their first English exam on Monday and I will start their oral exams soon thereafter. Zac and I are spending much of our free time and …

Training at the rural development center in ongwediva November

Training at the rural development center in ongwediva November – December 2002 During our two months of training, we often had workshops at the RDC.  These were a welcome break from the village.

16 Jan05

Epilogue 16 January 2005 Hello Everyone, It’s hard to believe we’ve been back in the U.S. for only a month.  Other than being out of touch with pop culture references and being impressed with the technology advances in the last two years, we’re adapting well.  Sometimes it feels like we never left. In fact, one …

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