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Ekulo Teachers

Ekulo Teachers My Colleagues Ekulo had about 18 teachers plus one principal and one secretary.           Principal Language Teachers Math & Science Teachers History, Geography & Home Science Teachers Business Studies, Accounting & Economics Teachers click here to read descriptions of these teachers


Swakopmund August 2003 & May 2004 “Namibia’s most popular holiday destination.” –Lonely Planet Namibia click here to read the e-mail about our trip to Swakopmund


Surprise Endings; Beginning Again 12 October 2004 On Friday, Zac suggested we go to Okashana, to look at some natural springs that are nearby. It was a cool day (only about 85 F) so I thought we could walk there as soon as school was out at 1pm. Zac said he talked to Mrs. Ndove …

11 Nov 04

Thunder in the North 11 November 2004 Let me tell you about our summer weather up here in northern Namibia. When we walk to school at seven in the morning, we can already feel the sun gaining strength. By the afternoon, it is up to 102 and at the time we go to sleep it …


Namib-naukluft park Sossusvlei, Elim’s dune, Sesriem canyon, Dead Vlei, namib Desert May 2004 “Sossusvlei, a large ephemeral pan, is set amid red sand dunes which tower up to 200m above the valley floor and more than 300m over the underlying strata.  It is part of a 300km-long and 150km-wide sand sea that covers over 32,000 …

Zac Writes a Letter

Hark! Zac writes a letter. 8 August 2004 Sera and I are wrapping up our penultimate term here at Ekulo. Five down, one to go. The learners are busy writing exams and we teachers are busy marking them. Actually, none of my exams have been given yet, so I get to sit around while Sera …

Sources of Self-Esteem

A Treatise on “Sources of Self-Esteem in Namibia” subtitled “Sera Plays God” 5 August 2004 “Oftentimes a volunteer in a foreign country can become overwhelmed with feelings of incompetence. This can be a result of cultural blunders, the complete lack of foreign friends, or learners that don’t seem to learn, making the volunteer feel inept …

Beheading Chickens and Battling the Ministry

Beheading Chickens and Battling the Ministry 4 June 2004 The second school term has started up again and on the 27th of May, I taught my first class of grade 12 English. It’s ironic how, due to my surgery and dismissal from The Peace Corps, I ended up with my dream schedule. This term I …

Nambia Scenery

Namibian Scenery Owamboland (Northern Namibia) “The Owambo landscape is characterized by flat, sandy plains dotted with makalani palms, patches of savanna and mopane forest.  Its semi desert  climate is characterized by cool nights and hot days; summertime temperatures can climb to over 105F.  Owamboland is the homeland of the Owambo people, Namibia’s largest population group.  …

Kavango Zambezi

Kavango & Zambezi Rivers May 2004   click here to read the e-mail about our trip to the Kavango and Zambezi Rivers

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