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Computer Training
Double Click 25 July 2003 So. Here we are at the end of another trimester. Exams begin on Thursday, leaving me only three more lessons plans to write and then it’s time for marking madness. We’ve been pretty busy lately because we’ve started to become more involved with the school. We didn’t do much the …
Things Fall Apart
Chewing Batteries 23 August 2003 Hello! So, we are still alive after all. Had you going for a while there didn’t we? The truth is it’s just not so easy to get to the internet anymore. Plus, we’ve been quite busy with school this term. We think it’s hilarious how we don’t have a TV, …
The Gods Must be Crazy
The Gods Must Be Crazy 18 July 2003 4TH OF JULY To celebrate the fourth of July, I taught my ninth graders some “traditional” songs like Yankee Doodle and also the Star Spangled Banner using a cassette tape my aunt sent me. They loved it. But explaining our independence was a bit problematic. “Since today …
Tuesdays with Morry
Tuesdays with Morry 17 June 2003 “Okonkwo began to feel like his old self again. All that he required was something to occupy his mind.” —Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe It is the third week of classes already and I’m still trying to figure out where the first two went. I am greatly …
A Weekend
A Weekend 15 June 2003 Let me tell you about this weekend. I never even left our house/yard but here is what happened (and every weekend is pretty much like this): Friday A grade 10 learner, who neither Zac nor I know, comes to borrow a “story book.” She chooses an Oprah Book Club …
We are not at home
We are Not at Home 6 March 2003 Hello Everyone, Well, what can I say, we are still over here teaching away at Ekulo SSS. I mean, except of course for the fact that we are in Africa, our lives are pretty normal. Is it interesting to read about our experiences here? I wonder. Everyday, …
Constrasting beautiful, Namibia
Contrasting beautiful, Namibia 4 April 2003 Namibian National Anthem Namibia, land of the brave Freedom fight, we have won Glory to their bravery Whose blood waters our freedom We give our love and loyalty Together in unity Contrasting beautiful, Namibia Namibia, our country Beloved the land of savannahs Hold high the banner of liberty Namibia, …
the whiteness of it all
Reflections on The Whiteness Of It All 3 March 2003 ” But why strange? Because the one is white and the other black?” —Master Harold and the Boys by Athol Fugard Sometimes I forget I’m white. It just doesn’t occur to me. But then there are the little reminders. We had to walk the five …
Running Barefoot
Running Barefoot 31 January 2003 “And now the rains had really come, so heavy and persistent… Sometimes it poured down in such thick sheets of water that earth and sky seemed merged in one gray wetness.” —Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe from Sera: I sit here writing to you as a heavy rain …
Where the Wild Things Are 28 March 2003 So here we are, sitting in Africa on another Friday afternoon. We’ve had no running water since 3pm yesterday. I’m told it’s not going to rain again until October. Hmmm. Actually, it is not uncommon for the water to go out here, and the couple before us …