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Final Thoughts in Namibia

Final Thoughts in Namibia 23-24 December 2003 23 December, Windhoek In a poetic, literary sort of way, my Peace Corps service started and is ending with a shoulder dislocation. On October 23, 2002 I tripped down the stairs in the DC hotel and dislocated my shoulder on the first day of pre-departure training. That was …

Chicken Run

Palaver Club 17 October 2003 So “Mr. Zac” and I decided to buy the chicken. On Monday Shaanika came into my class and said, “Miss, I brought the chicken!” I was a little afraid he had literally brought it to class, so I asked him where it was. He said he put it in my …

Shoulder Saga Part 2

Shoulder Saga Part 2 17-19 Dec 2003 “No!  How the hell can he be better when last night he was groaning with pain?  This is not an age of miracles!”         —Master Harold and the Boys by Athol Fugard 17 December, Windhoek We’re down in Windhoek now. Last week my shoulder went from “somehow ok” …

Tire meets Road

Where the Tire Meets the Road 13 September 2003 Monday 8 Sept Monday was the first day of school for teachers, which usually consists of us sitting around the staff room waiting for the meeting to start at some arbitrary time. But this time it was different. Well, it was probably the same, but we …

Sardonically Happy

I’m Sardonically Happy! 11 October 2003  First, I feel like I ought to start this e-mail with a disclaimer. I’ve gotten feedback from my loyal readers that a few of you are concerned about the “cynical and bitter” tone of my letters, and have consequently made the deduction that I am not quite happy here. …

Shameless Begging

Half as Naïve  6 June 2003  So school started. And it really wasn’t that bad. It started for the teachers on Monday, and on Tuesday the learners were in their uniforms and almost ready to start classes. By Wednesday things began in earnest and, despite my dread, I soon remembered that I do actually enjoy …


August Holiday to Windhoek & Swakopmund 4 September 2003  Our two-week break between the second and third trimesters is almost finished. We went to Windhoek for four nights and then over to Swakopmund for two nights. The stay in Windhoek was ostensibly to facilitate our mid-service medical exam. But we also took the opportunity to …

Barefeet and Smiles

Bare feet and Smiles 30 August 2003  If I just look out the window, I see the yellow grasses, stubby dust-green bushes dotting the plain, brown-gray mountains in the distance, and a hazy horizon making the whole scene bleak and inhospitable. But if I look out the window and say to myself, “I’m in Africa,” …

Miss Winter

Miss Winter 27 June 2003 The weather here has been getting downright chilly. The hot cocoa and tea that mocked us during the hot and humid days are finally getting used up; I wear my dress blazer to work everyday to stay warm (I had been planning to send it home because I never though …

Taxi Rides

Taxi Rides 27 June 2003 “Glimpses of Namibia” Part 2: Taxi Rides  * A bunch of us went to visit our friend who also teaches at a senior secondary school. He lives a long way up a dirt road, off the main road. They are in the process of redoing the road, and so currently …

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