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Cape Town
Zac goes to Cape Town, South Africa 11 January 2004 Hello! Now that Sera has gone and left the continent I find that the Namibian email torch has been passed to me. So I will try to do my best to fill Sera’s shoes and replicate her laser wit, biting sarcasm and insightful humanity. She …
Goats Donkeys Cattle
Goats, Donkeys & Cattle
When is Sera coming back?
When is Sera coming back? 10 – 26 March 2004 “Seven years was a long time to be away from one’s clan. A man’s place was not always there, waiting for him. As soon as he left, someone else rose to fill it. The clan was like a lizard; if it lost it’s tail, it …
Namibian Buildings
Cuca Shops & other Buildings Namibia is famous for the creatively-named small shops and businesses in Ovamboland.
Description of the Owamboland Environment 15 December 2002 Hello from Namibia, Sera and I have been living here in southern Africa now for just under 2 months. We have been busy with a fairly intense training schedule and thus we have learned and experienced quite a bit. Below, I have described in detail the landscape, …
Idle Talk
Idle Talk 9 October 2003 I’m going to start this e-mail in a typical Namibian fashion: Greetings colleagues. So-o, I don’t really have anything to say…it’s only that…[insert 2 hour meeting about “nothing” here]. But really, not much is happening around here. It’s hot—high of 103F today. HIV/AIDS club is going along somewhat haphazardly. The …
HOME | LETTERS (chronological) letters by Topic These letters are organized according to content, although some cover several topics. Also, please note that the “back” and “forward” links at the bottom of each letter go in chronological order. Descriptions of Namibia (environment, culture, people) There is no dirt here | Omege, Our Village | Ekulo, Our …
Chobe National Park May 2004 Chobe National Park is a game preserve in northern Botswana. click here to read the e-mail about our trip to Chobe National Park
In Windhoek for 2 Weeks
In Windhoek for Two Weeks 6-17 November 2003 “Obierika was a man who thought about things. When the will of the goddess had been done, he sat down in his obi and mourned his friend’s calamity. Why should a man suffer so grievously for an offence he had committed inadvertently? But although he thought for …
Chickens! We bought one hen from a learner in October 2003. Over the next year, we had nearly 40 chickens under our supervision.