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HOME | LETTERS (chronological)

letters by Topic

These letters are organized according to content, although some cover several topics.  Also, please note that the “back” and “forward” links at the bottom of each letter go in chronological order.

Descriptions of Namibia (environment, culture, people)

There is no dirt here | Omege, Our Village | Ekulo, Our School | Thanksgiving  | Sunday in Omege | The Environment A Namibian Wedding Little things about Namibia | Random Glimpses | Contrasting beautiful, Namibia | Taxi Rides  | The Black Dragon | Love in Namibia Pop Quiz 


New Year’s in Windhoek  | Taxi through Etosha | The Tree of Life  | To Brandberg and back  | The Elephant Ballet  | To Windhoek & Swakopmund  | Sera goes to Washington D.C.  | Zac goes to Cape Town   | A Wet Weekend at Ruacana Falls  | Our Adventure to Chobe and Victoria Falls  | A Tour of Southern Namibia  |  The Last Days

Teaching / School Life

 Model School | Sacrificed Ice-Cream  | Running Barefoot  | Miss Valentine  | The Plagiarism Episode  | School Starts–Again    | A Weekend  | Tuesdays with Morry  | Miss Winter  | The Gods Must Be Crazy  | Chewing Batteries  | Meeting the Director; School starts again  | Halloween Shoulder Dislocation  | My Colleagues  | Things Fizzle Out  | School Slowly Starts  | Computers and Math  | Math Tests and Ms. Valentine  | The Game that Plays Itself  | (a lesson in conformity)  | Hark! Zac writes a letter.  | Farewell, electrical hair! | Crime and Punishment | This. | Surprise Endings; Beginning Again

Projects and Activities including HIV/AIDS Awareness Club

The Latrine of Babel | Double Click  | Fundraising Failure  | Idle Talk  | Palaver Club  | “It’s Condom Day!”  | HIV/AIDS Awareness Week  | A Day of Learning | AIDS Awareness Program | Swan Song


A little Bitterness seeps out  | Reflections on Failure  | Smiles and Bare Feet | I’m Sardonically Happy!  | 1 Year in Namibia  | Near-Death Experience | The Teacher | Time Is Going |  Thunder in the North  |  Lucky  |  A few Memories

Volunteer Life

Ekulo, At Last!   | The whiteness of it all | We are Not At Home  | A trip to the movies  | Missing Things  | Views from the Top   | Things Fall Apart   | “Non-disclosure”   | Two Weeks in Windhoek  | Baby Chickens  | Shoulder Saga Part 2  | Final Thoughts in Namibia | Sera Finally Gets Surgery  | What’s Been Happening with Sera?  | When is Sera coming back?  | The Return of the Volunteer  | Beheading Chickens and Battling the Ministry | Sources of Self-Esteem in Namibia

HOME | LETTERS (chronological)

Peace Corps Namibia  |  Teaching English in Dalian, China
AFRICA | Namibia | Botswana | Zambia | South Africa 
ASIA | S. Korea | Hong Kong | China | Vietnam | Cambodia | Laos | Thailand | Malaysia | Singapore
LATIN AMERICA | Panama | Costa Rica | Peru
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