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Hocking Hills State Park Photography by Sera Shogren
July 2002 | Photography by Sera Shogren Arcaro click here to view all photos as enlargements updated 7-24-02
Miscellaneous Nature Scenes Photography by Sera Shogren
Florida Pics
click here to view all photos in larger format Sunrise over Lake George Dock on lake George the Florida jungle Zac and Sera This spider was inside! The spiders were huge! Sunrise over Atlantic Beach updated 8-1-02
England and Ireland Photos
England and Ireland Summer 2000 | Photography by Sera Shogren Foxgloves on a path in Grasmere, England Somerset Place in Bath, England. This is where I lived for 6 weeks A restored Roman Bath; Bath, England Bath Abbey; Bath, England Dunnotar Castle. Stonehaven, Scotland Eilean Donan Castle; Kyle of Localsh, Scotland Three Cliffs’ Bay. Gower …
Wedding Photos Sera Shogren & Zachary Arcaro June 22, 2002 view all photos as enlargements
Really Long Quote from Plato
Really Long Quote from Plato’s The Apology “Let us consider in another way also how good reason there is to hope that it is a good thing. For the state of death is one of two things: either it is virtually nothingness, so that the dead has no consciousness of anything, or it is, as …
Educational Website Evaluation
Evaluation of Book Review Website | Evaluation of Grammar Quiz Website
Links Internal Links: Peace Corps: Information about our Peace Corps service in Namibia. Quotes: my favorite quotes from Nietzsche, Whitman, Socrates, Shakespeare, and more Biography: factual stuff, Peace Corps update, and a list of my ‘favorites’ Résumé: my attempt to make myself appear employable Ed P&L 791: Media & Tech in Education: projects for a …
Sera’s Webpage
The Place for Photos. “Wedged as we are between two eternities of idleness, there is no excuse for being idle now.” –Anthony Burgess