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Internal Links:

Peace Corps: Information about our  Peace Corps service in Namibia.
Quotes: my favorite quotes from Nietzsche, Whitman, Socrates, Shakespeare, and more
Biography: factual stuff, Peace Corps update, and a list of my ‘favorites’
Résumé: my attempt to make myself appear employable
Ed P&L 791: Media & Tech in Education: projects for a class

Highly Recommended Sites:

SatireWire “New Satire for the New Economy”
The Onion “America’s Finest News Source”
CounterPunch “America’s Best Political Newsletter”
The Smoking Gun “bringing you exclusive documents–cool, confidential, quirky–that can’t be found elsewhere on the Web”

Other Sites:

WCBE “the Voice of the People”
NPR (National Public Radio)
The Peace Corps “the toughest job you’ll ever love”
The Ohio State University where Ireceived my undergrad in English
OSU College of Education where I received my Master of Education

updated 10/17/2002

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