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Bocas Del Torro

Panama: Bocas Del Torro Kinds of travelers We headed to the archipelago of Bocas Del Torro on the Caribbean coast of Panama the next day.  This involved two buses, a taxi and a boat.  We shared the boat with a couple from Quebec and their children.  Perhaps it should have seemed a little odd to …

Train to Yichang

China: Train to Yichang Views of the Chinese Countryside April 5-6, 2006 We took a train for 25 hours to get from Hangzhou to Yichang.  The scenery was beautiful. We finally arrived in Yichang at night and went to the train station hotel, where we stayed in this weird dorm room.  We were the only …


Panama: Boquete Dreams of the RiverThe next day, we took an eight-hour bus ride, in what was to be the only air-conditioned bus of the whole trip, across Panama to David, where we switched to a school bus and headed up to the small mountain town of Boquete.  The tall man who sat next to …

Kuala Lumpur

Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur May 28 – 30, 2006 After our relaxing time at Pangkor, we headed for the city again: Kuala Lumpur. We had simple goals for the first day: go to a museum, take photos of the national mosque and national monument. But we soon discovered that KL is not a pedestrian city. We …


HONG KONG: Kowloon January 27- February 2, 2006   Once in Hong Kong, we took the metro to our hostel, located on Nathan Road, the famous “golden mile” shopping district in Tsim Sha Tsui on the very tip of the Kowloon peninsula.  Accommodation in Hong Kong is expensive, so we had booked the cheapest option: …


BEIJING: Tiananmen Square October 2005 Tiananmen Square is the center of Beijing, and everyone in Beijing was flocking there for National Day.  We expected some celebrations or entertainment on the square in honor of National Day, but there was nothing except masses and masses of people.  Despite western connotations with a massacre, the square is …


BEIJING: Hutongs October 2005 A hutong is one of the numerous alleyways of the Beijing courtyard neighborhoods.  These neighborhoods are somewhat famous now that they are being gradually consumed by high rise apartments and new businesses.  I had chosen our hotel particularly for this location, and I was not disappointed.  Despite being in a city …


SOUTH KOREA: Seoul May 2005 We emerged from the subway near to where our hostel was supposed to be.  We glanced around, trying to get our bearings when immediately a man in a business suit, speaking English, asked if we were lost.  Of course we were.  We showed him the directions to our hostel, but …

Yangtze River Cruise

China: Yangtze River April 7-10, 2006 We took a 3-day 3-night cruise up the Yangtze River.  Actually, we were on a pretty dilapidated ferry boat with a bunch of Chinese people, but it was the cheapest option and the views of the gorges are the same no matter what boat you’re on.  We took one …

Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA: Phnom Penh April 30 – May 3 , 2006 In the capital, we visited the royal palace (Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy). Buddhist monks were a common sight in Phnom Penh discrimination against tourists A portable gas station kids play with a monkey in the park A cloth market in Phnom Penh the fruit …

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